Introduction: Enduring Truths
Breckinridge Capital Advisors is a Boston-based, independently owned asset manager specializing in investment grade fixed income portfolio management. Working through a network of investment consultants and advisors, we serve a wide variety of clients ranging from high net worth individuals to large institutions.
Approach to this Report
This report offers an overview of our approach and commitment to sustainability both in our investment process and business operations. Our strong conviction in the merits of environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration in our investment approach motivates the examination and reporting on our own sustainable business practices. As such, in our 2018 Corporate Sustainability Report (CSR), we were one of the first 50 companies to report to the standards published by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). In 2019, in addition to SASB, we reported to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) core standards and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. We continue this reporting in 2020 and we strive to provide a higher caliber of reporting over time. Our goal is that we can lead by example by voluntarily providing these disclosures and encouraging companies and municipalities to begin using these and other sustainability reporting frameworks.
Please view the pdf version, available here, for our full reporting details.
Reporting Indices
GRI Standards
This is the second year that this report has been
GRI prepared according to GRI Standards: Core Option.
This is the third year that Breckinridge has SASB reported to the SASB framework.
This is the second year that Breckinridge has TCFD reported to the TCFD framework.